Wild Texas Rose

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Wild Texas Rose
Photography Amanda Leigh Smith @a_leighsmith
Model Leslie Crow of Heyoka Leather  @coyotespiritchild
Stylist Molly Salvi of Squash Blossom Vintage  @squashblossomvintage
H&M Ashley Rae Hancock @ashleyraehancock
On location in Rosanky, Texas at Iron Heart Productions Horse Ranch with Shawn Clark and Jennifer Lippert

A while back I shared a gorgeous (stylelikeu) feature on Heyoka Leather’s Leslie Crow (here), which had inspired and intrigued me no end. So I  was delighted to receive this editorial with her as the ultimate concho wearing, bareback riding, vintage muse – and shot by divine photographer Amanda Leigh Smith (who always shoots the most gorgeous authentic, grainy, filmic shoots… So as always, with Leslie, you don’t get much more authentic than this, this is just the way she does it.