Inspiring Muse: Avery Swail
- Tell us a little about yourself - where you grew up, what life was like in your hometown?
Well, Hello :) I am Avery, a 30-year-old female from Canada who is now packing up her home and heading on the road for the unseeable future. I have never been able to stay in one place for too long, and that's been the case since I was a little girl who grew up with a flight attendant as a mother. Since a young age, I have immersed myself in the unknown and found comfort in the uncomfortable.
- What got you into photography?
I started photography in high school, where I went to a sports boarding school, and to get out of sports, I decided to take up photography and started photographing all the sports teams instead. After high school, I took time off to travel around and took photography a little more seriously. When I came back to Canada, I took a photography course which then helped guide me to where I am now :)
- Where is your favourite place in the world to shoot?
The love and gratitude I have for this job which has led me to places around the world, is endless; however, it's less about the place for me and more about the people I surround myself with. The human connection, to me, is the most essential part. My favourite part is creating that connection with the muses and everyone on set, having them truly be seen and creating from that sacred space of authenticity.
- Tell us a little more about Nordic Retreats?
Nordic Retreats is a photography retreat company that I have been involved with for quite some time now. Led by myself and the founders, twins, and most importantly, my soul sisters, Rebecca and Lindsey, we have created a space for women to come and build their portfolios while gaining a community of supportive women along the way. We put our absolute heart and soul into these retreats, and I feel so grateful to be able to watch women come and step into their power and create their magic. It's a feeling like no other.
- What or who inspires you?
I get a lot of inspiration in my downtime in moments of tranquillity. My a-ha' moments always seem to be when I'm driving, completely switched off in nature, or solo travelling. As soon as I quiet my mind, everything I need to know comes rushing in. I have a non-negotiable agreement with myself which includes daily journaling, mediation and breathwork here and there. These three pillars, for me, have been game changers in finding balance and also learning to slow down to allow inspiration to flow back in.
- Where would be your dream destination to shoot, and why?
I am incredibly grateful for all the places this job has brought me, and I pinch myself whenever I travel somewhere new or even to places I've been to many times before but hold so dear to my heart. Right now, the Dead Sea in Isreal has been calling my name. When I get these intuitive hits, I tend not to question why anymore. I allow myself to lean and surrender to the pull I am feeling and trust that I am being guided purposefully.
- Best place to watch a sunset
If I have learned anything in these past 30 years, there's no wrong place to watch the sun go down. It's a beautiful reminder each day of the limited time we all have on this earth and that we have the ability each day to start new and create the life we desire.
With love,
Avery x
Photography Avery Swail
Video Brie Lakin
Muse Kahealani Papke